How to get rid of feelings is a common topic among depressed. But this brings them closely to freedom.
Feelings are our worst enemies. Go on, tell me I’m ignorant, because love is the engine of the world.
I heard this so many times… It is not love, though we all praise it so much. Love is only what we continually crave for.
We simply cannot exist without it. We are born through love, we are nurtured with love by our mothers, we are invaded by hormones demanding for love, we suffer from it and then repeat the story again.
Meanwhile what do we do? Try to find someone that can feed us with it. A spouse. To ensure our amount of fuel, at least for a limited period of time, if not for the traditional “ever after”.
We need to love and be loved. Everything that disrupt this circle cause us sufferance.
Everybody seems to be tremendously excited by this reality. We sing it, to write poems about it, we make stupid fairy tales where the beautiful (young and healthy – I would add) princess and prince defeat all enemies, find each other, instantly love each other and live happily ever after.
We need these fairy tales on a daily basis. We created movies to remind us that they are possible, all we need to do is believe in them. Never ever deny love, as it is beyond our humanly understanding, a sacred force which should be respected beyond any God.
Which unfortunately is true.
But beyond everything that it is said, written, sung, researched, studied and enforced to us consciously and unconsciously, love is a feeling / energy that we can all observed around us.
We are energy. Love is energy. Deep down, way deeper than our eyes or machines can perceive, this world was not made from nothing. And as much as our brain can now go, the material used was simple energy.
This energy makes us exist, move, feel. And it seems that we cannot exist without feeling.
Why would one want to exist without feelings?
Only a person who hasn’t yet suffered can ask such a question. Feelings/emotions are wonderful as long as they are in the positive category: love, affection, gratitude, happiness. If not, life becomes a living hell and your feelings are your worst enemies.
Life is a continuous cycle of dual things. You will never find love without sufferance. Whoever invented the world, created it based on two poles, two opposite principles, two forces (action and reaction), hell and heaven.
Why would we care? Because the more we understand and always remember, the more we can live among them.
I believe in karma, because we are drown here again and again by our feelings. Not because of our actions or because we need to go through specific lessons. This is a human understanding, a human logic, which has nothing to do with the universe logic. It’s hard for us to understand a logic which is beyond good and bad, truth, fairness or even action without any type of reaction.
Karma is our incapacity of living without feelings.
Hermits and yogis can manage to do it. They say illumination breaks the circle of karma. And how do they do that? Hiding away from the world. Isolating themselves in caves or monasteries, deserts or forests. Not living inside the world, among people with feelings liberates you from feeling.
Because we are energy and we are connected to each other. I can literary feel your sufferance or happiness. I watch a single movie and my entire being disappears and I am connected to everything the main character feels. I am happy when he loves, I’m happy when he’s victorious, I suffer when he suffers. A simple movie can do that. A world that does not exist, a fantasy, someone’s imagination. And I go through all possible feelings.
I hate this.
I read somewhere that we should not feel pity. I mean, act with understanding, compassion, but not pity. If somebody was born poor and lives a miserable life, then it is his specific destiny, his specific karma, if you want. Something that he deserves and needs. He is supposed to see through his misery and discover something only his high ego knows.
Too complicated?
Well, whatever the reason for his sufferance and misery, we do feel it. Through pity, we tap into his sufferance, connect to his energy and make a bridge to our own. We take some from his shoulders simply by feeling pity.
It’s insane, but true. It is called empathy. And as usual, sometimes it is our worst enemy.
I believe it was Bruce Lipton who said that genes do not make us as we are. it’s the environment.
Observations have been made that confirmed that.
A child coming from a family with a history of cancers was adopted by a family with no cancer antecedents. The child grew up healthy and never developed cancer.
A child coming from a very healthy family was adopted by a family with both parents having cancer and yes, got cancer himself. Like it was contagious.
And it was not one child and one child. The reviews contained numberless examples that all led to one conclusion: “it’s all in the environment”.
And here is a personal one. My father had a lung disease, had pneumonia and a complicated surgery 60 years ago. As a result he had serious respiratory failure.
Mother took care of him all his life.
And 30 years after his death, my mother, without having any kind of lung problem, cannot breathe. Her respiratory capacity diminished considerably. Just like that, still without having any kind of lung problem.
Feeling is what keeps us alive and what kills us slowly.
Feelings are hidden drugs that exist as huge creatures of energy feeding themselves through us.
Like in the bible: “Jesus is wherever 2 or 3 people gather in his name”.
We are energy and when we love we become the love energy and make the love creature become bigger and stronger. And we like it.
And we are all empaths in an energetic network.
How can we get rid of feelings?
We can’t. We are made of them. But we can control them.
How? By trying to not feel? Like a stone?
No. Nobody can be insensitive and that tough.
We can control them only observing them.
Noticing them every time they appear. Knowing what you do and feel every moment. Realizing that it is our human nature to feel and just watch yourself manifesting.
I love you. I depend on you, I enjoy your proximity, I feel good around you, I feel complete, full of happiness. I am aware of this.
And this awareness somehow diminishes its intensity. It is not over my head. Because my head knows it.
This is how we can survive.