We have been taught that we need to earn wealth. To work hard, or to steal hard if you wish, to get it. Nothing comes for free. It’s an ancestral knowledge, something we have in our genes, deeply rooted in our brains, something as clear as the fact that there will always be night after day.
And suddenly here come some spiritual people, influencers, gurus, teachers, whatever they like to call themselves, telling us that things are not correct. We can attract abundance and wealth in our lives even if we don’t work our asses off, don’t get 2 jobs, don’t save money or don’t need to be geniuses.
How? Well, they make a wonderful (intensively calculated and edited) video where they present a theory/belief that changed their life completely. The more convincing the videos are, the more you will believe that theory.
Presenting their personal dramatic life is the best way to start with, because we will always resonate with other people’ s tragedies and tough lives, as we are all in the same boat. One way or another we’ve been there too, or know somebody who experienced the same and end up pretty bad.
At the end of the video you understand that you need to change the way you think (right, such an easy thing to do!!) believe you deserve to be rich even if you don’t work hard for this and that there are 3 or 5 steps to follow in order to free yourself from negative thoughts, insecurities and worries. Somehow, if you manage to do that you are on your way to success, because the universe is going to rearrange the paths of your future for you.
Those 3 or 5 steps will be offered to you in a more comprehensive video/webinar/class for which you’ll have to register and pay , not $399 as a regular X course will cost you, not even $99 how it was recommended by some qualified online training specialists, but only $37.
And a 60 days money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the course of your life.
I mean, there will be people who will ask for their money back, for sure, but imagine how many others will be impressed by the 60 days guarantee and buy the product.
And $37? That’s not much, right? Even if it doesn’t work, It’s not much to lose. You’ll find out a few ideas on how to attract abundance and happiness in your life, that cannot possibly hurt.
Let’s not forget what they are teaching you: how to attract abundance and happiness in your life.
How do they do that for themselves?
Start from presenting a personal sad story that revealed The Secret to them. Then ask you some small change to tell it to you. That’s all. And then, of course, abundance will come on them, from thousands of $37 from all over the world, thanks to almighty Internet.
This is the source of their abundance.
Why do they ask people for money, when we all know that if we have come to ask for help is not because we are satisfied with our lives and money is a big problem.
Why don’t they offer their knowledge for free (as they teach kindness and love for everybody) and then add a simple button with “donate if you are satisfied with results and want to show appreciation and gratefulness“?
I understand if the course is physically done. If you need materials, people to organize something, a location, etc. Yes.
But when you make a video, put it on a website and then ask money for it…. You smell like fraud. A spiritual one!
Something else. Some say, even in their videos, that you need to pay something, in order to show that you are, indeed, determined to learn and discover the truth, that you are willing to sacrifice some of your fortune in order to get more.
Really? Isn’t this part of an incredibly old ritual of sacrifice to the gods? Isn’t this the same give-and-receive karma-like situation that you teach us to let go and forget about?
That we deserve to be happy and wealthy even if we don’t work hard for it? That what we believe and feel is enough for money to come our way?
Anyway, moving beyond these gurus’ source of abundance, the bottom question is if their solution works. (Considering that we will not follow their personal example of selling promises online.)
It works. And it doesn’t.
It’s all up to you, as it always is.
What they offer is not a pill. You may understand and agree with their belief, but this doesn’t instantaneously turn it into fact.
A spiritual guide (the best term I could find) will always only show you the door to your road to abundance and happiness. You will have to open it. If you do that, you will see your abundance and happiness at the end of the road. But it is you who will have to take the first step towards it. And the second, and the third.
It may take years.
How many of us could stick to those beliefs when they don’t seem to work? How fast would we come back to the old ones, that we need to work hard to receive something, or to believe that we were born without luck or need to die in poorness due to bad karma?
It depends on us entirely. If we believe strong enough (no, no religious references) then placebo will work for us. It’s all in our brain. We are connected to the entire universe through our brain.
And if we are diligent enough, steady/stubborn enough, keep a regular daily program, pay attention to your thoughts and emotional reactions every single moment of our life, then yes, we will succeed.
🙂 That’s funny, because this is hard work, too. The hardest maybe.
There is nothing harder than constantly guarding your thoughts. Nothing harder than paying attention to your reactions, feelings, emotions.
Because we work on autopilot. We have been built to express whatever our body and soul feel. Not to teach them what to feel. We were not the boss here. Our subconscious is.
Notice this?
“Our” subconscious, not us.
And we need to change this subconscious into something else. To teach it to be different. To teach it something that is in contradiction to its present belief.
Piece of cake! 🙂
So, is what they preach true?
Again, it may or it may not. What is true and good for you, may not be true and good for me. We are different, we need different things.
What they preach are probably as close to the truth as they can get. Some may apply only to them, or may be simply how they perceive the truth. They are not deliberately lying, but telling you their truth.
How to find your truth?
Listen to them, yes. Get an idea. But then, filter this idea. Nobody is the holder of the truth!
Be conscious of your reactions all the time.
We, humans, have the 2 powerful tools that are required to break the illusion.
Knowledge and emotion.
Knowledge. We need to know exactly what we want. To set a goal.
Emotion. This is energy. Energy fuels our knowledge.
Set an intention and fuel it with a good emotion.
What is a good emotion? Any of the three: joy, love, gratitude. Consciously feel in your heart.
Why do only these 3 work?
That’s how the Creator made the world. It’s a dual universe, as you can see, some forces create, some forces destroy.
Fuel your intention with a good emotion every day. Remember that all the time. Can you do this?
Can you do this without giving $37 to attract abundance in your life?
Can you believe that things can be indeed that simple and you don’t need a wise man to tell you that you are great, that you deserve, that you can, all you have to do is believe?
Well, I’m telling you this: You are the creator. Act like one!