who's right

I’m depressed because I suffered an injustice.

Suffering means injustice, right? I suffer because an injustice has been done to me.
This is correct.
I’m depressed because somebody or something caused me to be depressed. A wrong was done to me.

There are situations when we understand we started the problem, we provoked it and then it came back to us. There are situations when we understand we are to blame for what happened but even though, we feel that things should have been different, people should have understood we meant no harm.

I can find lots of excuses for my misbehavior, I was tired, I was upset, I was at my period, I was thirsty, I was too hot, the stars were against, I was short of money, I was jealous, I was preoccupied, I was worried about you and so on.
Why couldn’t you see it?

But I was wrong?

Why are we never wrong?

Again, I can give lots of explanations:
1. I’m smart. – of course this is the first one, everybody thinks is smart.
2. I know I’m right. I have this feeling inside myself, it comes from my entire body, I just know I’m right.
3. I have lots of experience. I’ve been here before, I know how this ends.
4. I’m old. Old enough to know. You are young and inexperienced, you should listen to me.
5. I’ve been to school. I learned about this, I read a lot, I talked to professors and I know.
6. My parents and my teachers taught me. They great people (or not, it doesn’t matter) and this is how they shaped me.
7. Even if I don’t really know too much on this subject, I’m intuitive and correlate easily and you should rely on my opinion. More then on your own.

How have I get to be that confident? 

Let’s be honest and admit it. We are the product of the environment. (Remember Bruce Lipton?) We were born and immediately the environment started to color and shape our personalities. Fathers beat us and taught us to beat.  Mothers cried and taught to cry.  Teachers taught us to obey and memorize futile things, taught us to listen to the rules some others created.  Couches taught to compete. To strive for the best. To win in order to be happy. To raise money to be happy.

Think about. We all live inside rules, regulations and beliefs.
I was taught to believe something and in something.

Christians say you should believe in the almighty God. Otherwise… well, you’re punished, of course, and sent to hell. Although there is the ironic situation of the proclaimed Good God (??) which rules the world. And while we clearly see the poverty, the wars, the rapes, the murders, the injustice made to innocent and pure people, we keep on saying GOOD Lord.
We are taught to believe this. God is good. Obey to him.

Oriental people believe in karma. They were taught that if you do good you will receive good. If you do bad, the bad will come back to you. That’s a law you know in your bones, even if you sometimes choose to forget.

Can you believe this?

Everything you know, everything you believe was put there, in you, by somebody else.
All your interactions formed you. A cumulus of principles, beliefs, rules.
Who are you? Are you a who or a what?

Everybody is wrong. And everybody is right.

who's right

Are you laughing at this picture?
Well, you shouldn’t. Because this applies in life everywhere. From where I stand things look differently from where you stand. Who’s right in this picture?
Neither of them. Everybody is right then?

As a judge, can you tell who’s right? Can you place yourself exactly above that figure and say who’s right?
Of course not. Because staying exactly above, the figure cease to be a figure. It’s a strange sign, that says nothing. The realities of these persons cease to exist.

Reality is created through our own eyes. We cannot possible have any idea how could it be without an eye to look at it.

So, guess what? You are not right.
And even if you are right and did right, the person who hurt you is not necessarily wrong. He can be right as well. Actually,  from his point of view, he is. And just like you, it will present you the 7 explanation list of him being right.

Is this yet another reason to be depressed?


Nothing is actually real. Nothing steady. God is different and unreliable. The universe is changing, moving, illusory.

You are just a leaf in the wind. I am another leaf.

The optimists would say “ok then, let’s enjoy it as it is. So what if is not steady? What if there is no such thing as right or wrong?! We still can enjoy it as it is”.
I hate optimists.

Coming back to my first idea. I suffer because something wrong was done to me.
Maybe if I understand the stupid rules that make the world function, I could be able to adjust and stop the suffering. But as we cannot do that, everybody invented a certain pack of rules, yogis, Christians, Muslims and tried to obey them.  But are they real. Who knows?

The world was made without windows. There is no way we can see the whole picture from the inside. And my current and never-ending problem seems to be that I think I’m right.  And this is your problem, too. And everyone else’s.

Now here is a TED video from 2011 that I’ve seen today, which totally pleased me. What do you think? It showed me that I was right!!  To believe that I may be wrong….
Hilarious, I know.

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