Learn from your body.
What is the only thing that is ours? What is the only thing that is so close to us that we even forget is there? That only thing that exists on autopilot, that only thing that sometimes gets you to heaven and sometimes to hell, that thing that often times has the complete control over you?
Your body.
You are not your body. Even the semantics says it. iIt’s you and your body.
It’s yours, is not you. You are inside this body. Hidden in each and every cell, even in the bad ones, even in the cancerous ones.
By the way, do you know that we have cancer cells inside ourselves all the time? It is said that bad cells are being born in our body all the time (just like we all have negative thoughts, no matter how bad we’d try to keep it positive and compassionate) but they don’t last, they are destroyed by our immune system. By the other parts of our body.
It’s a strange mechanism in there, if only our scientists could have deciphered it! It’s our body that creates cancerous cells and our body that fights against them and cleans everything.
Why is it doing it? Why is it creating the bad cells in the first place?
Well, maybe because it is forced to do it. Maybe there are unseen strings that coordinates it, that forces it to behave in certain ways….
And what can it be behind it? You. You are. You that are hidden in its cells. You and your thoughts and your emotions. You program it to behave in certain ways.
But the body knows what to do with the bad things that happen to it. Fix it.
Unfortunately not all the time will succeed. Not with the bigger problems… When the cancerous cells are too many and too aggressive, when the damaged cells are too many, its’ hard for it. But it will always try. Till the last healthy cell.
And what do we do when this happen? Give it drugs. Sometimes they help in one place and damage in another one. But the body can handle it, because he knows you wanted to help. It does the only thing it knows it should: good. How nice is this?
One day, being alone, as usual, I found this picture on FB. It’s hard to tell who created it, sources are most of time lost on FB, but I’m sure that the person who though of doing it would be happy he helped people. Even if I don’t put the credit here.
And it stroke me right in the face. My body is made of billions and billions of cells. Imagine they have a face, and their face would be like those from this image. Happy faces. Full of love. For you. Unconditional love. Just like that. Born to love you, to support you, to exist only for you.
Why have I forgotten this?
It was here to support me all the way. It grew up with me. In good days and bad days.
Do you know when you cut yourself in the kitchen, with a knife, and don’t actually do anything to help the wound? Except for stopping the blood. After that, it’s all in your body’s hands.
So, you know how it looks in the first day. In the second day the wound is different, the skins is beginning to heal. The third day it looks better, so it will be till the day it will be only completely healed. Only a small scar.
How did the body know what to do? Who told called the cells, divided them in help groups, told them exactly what to do, in what order and with what substances? Who leads the body?
The unconscious – would say some people. And they are probably right. But let’s not forget that this word is a name we invented in order to refer to something, to classify, to order, to explain something using language, eventually to feel us better, because once this name was invented, we have explained everything, we know how it works. Do we?
What is the unconscious? Or the subconscious? Whatever the answer is, it is something that is not me, the conscious me. It’s something else, which is ruling the body, which is not me.
Coming back to my body, it’s seems that we have forgotten about its unconditional love. We took it for granted.
Each cell from your body has conscious. Each of them. Why is this conscious less important than that of you ex-boyfriend? Well, let me tell you something, IT IS NOT!
In fact, it is even more important, because it is completely dedicated to you and most importantly, you depend on it!
You depend on your cells’ consciousness, not on anybody else’s.
So, relax. There are billions and billions of conscious entities that love you and only you! Love them back!
Have you ever realized that you actually indulge only certain parts of your body? Especially your taste buds? Most of the time, till they take control over your life? Why is this? Why should they be the most important? What happens to the other organs?
Or what really happens with your body when you force it and push it limits? When you make drastic changes into your diet and completely unbalance it. Or when you go the gym and sculpture it in “beautiful” forms, yet unnatural ones, only to impress?
Take a moment and think of all the things you DO to your body. Forgetting that it is the only real loyal entity you can possible have in this life.
Stop for a moment from whatever you are doing. Close your eyes and talk to it! Say “Hello, how are you? Are you all right? Are you feeling good? I want to tell you a secret: I love you. Even if I may not treat you right, I do. And I also thank you for being here. For me.”
Salute your body every morning. Take a moment to feel it. To feel your every cell. Tell them you know they are there living and working only for you.
Tell thank you and love them back. Your body will know. And it will make it happy.